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~~ who ~~

Honestly? I don't know.

It no longer feels like it's my place to say.

I'll leave it for you to decide.

~~ communicate ~~

one-on-one moj@sdf.org
soapbox @moj@mastodon.sdf.org
hotline SDF Phone x2239

Gitea Webhooks

Published: 10 Oct 2021

I don’t know what the big deal is…

Well, I guess I do.

I look at different software developer, devops, and devsecops job listings, and I see the CI/CD requirements. What do they mean by this? Well, aside from setting up environments, the rest is operating tools; so, how many years of experience with this tool and how many years of experience with that tool, and …?

I set up a gitea instance so (1) I could share some code in different languages with folks who might want a sample, and (2) because it would be a lot of fun if any project that I worked on for my own needs actually found some other interested folks. It’s self-hosted because, well, why not? I’m already fairly skilled with the the network plumbing, hosting services, and so forth.

Part of those self-hosted services was this gopher service. My workflow was (1) write on the laptop, (2) git push it to my gitea gopher site repository, then go out to the front end with public access and go a git pull to update. In the back of my head I knew it would be possible to automate that. I figured I’d just cron job a few git pulls per day and be done with it.

Thinking through that a bit, there’s the issue of ssh keys. I have a dedicated ssh key for doing all of my gitea work, but that’s a lot of access… and I probably don’t what to do be doing all that work under that user account anyway.

I knew there are solutions, so it only took a few minutes to find gitea’s webhooks and deploy keys. Web hooks will send a POST request wherever you want to send it with details about whatever triggered it – cool!. And deployment keys? An ssh key with read-only access to the specific repository? Perfect.

Create a system user without login, but with a home directory. Write maybe a four-line python Flask server to listen for the POST and to execute a shell script. The system user gets the deployment key, so set up his ssh/config to use it when contacting gitea. Let’s use gunicorn to run the service, and let’s set up a systemd service file to get it running. Update the network plumbing, and … done!

So, no: This service doesn’t check the validity of the POST request or check that it’s a specific action. For now, it’s enough that there’s a secure channel between the gitea service and the POST listener, and this repository is only being used in this particular way – no branches outside of master, for instance. For now, it’s only moving forward, not rolling back. Good enough for now.

Back when I used to be in hiring loops, I’d look for the “Green Berets:” Not single language specific folks, and by all means not tool operators. Tell me how you would attack the problem. Tell me where you’d install the hooks. Describe the high-level flow, maybe an algorithm. Use pseudo-code or plain English. Tell me about networking – routers, firewalls, switches, VLANs, VPNs, … Tell me about NAT. Tell me about team workflow. If you’re a pro, you’ve done this stuff in /some/ language and used /some/ equipment, and you can learn another languge or some other equipment.

I’m wishing I found more of that out there now.