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~~ who ~~

Honestly? I don't know.

It no longer feels like it's my place to say.

I'll leave it for you to decide.

~~ communicate ~~

one-on-one moj@sdf.org
soapbox @moj@mastodon.sdf.org
hotline SDF Phone x2239

Merry Christmas

Published: 24 Dec 2021

It was a lot of years ago, but I remember it vividly: We were sitting in the pizza restaurant with friends when their kid told my kid that Santa doesn't exist.

What a strange and wonderful gift!

A Season of Zen

This season, maybe more than any other, is filled with stories, ceremonies, rites, and rituals. They span cultures, faiths, mythologies, and traditions. The trick to unify them all? Breathe life into them. Know the intention behind them. Know what they teach. Understand the journey of coming together, recounting the stories, and letting them play out in our mind's eye. Be open to seeing the lessons and the signs everywhere around us in our daily lives. Let them breath life into us.

So if you want to make a tradition of "Santa Doesn't Exist," have at it! I'd hope it incorporates the lessons of hope, hapiness, and joy. I'd hope it brings people together. I hope it demonstrates how the spirit of a thought or a belief can move us, guiding our words and our actions.

Scotland's National Animal is the Unicorn

They've got a lot of mountains to die on there; do you want that one to be yours?

Merry Christmas ~ My Gift to You